Some Photos

marriage celebration

1) her lovely smile at our marriage celebration in June 1983
2) her animation in presenting our son Donell to our family and friends in 1985

marriage celebration

one of her many roles at St. Peter's Anglican Church ( 2013.12.15)

marriage celebration

a lover and supporter of the arts, in this case at the Edmonton folkfest in 2019 with our daughter Sara

marriage celebration

a dancer, my dance partner for life (from when we met on the first Sunday of Octtober 1983 at the MIT folk dance club), dance instructor, community member (teaching La Bastringue to our block in 2018 - unfortunately with my mug in view rather than her beautiful dance smile)

marriage celebration

a mountain trekker on 3 continents despite herself with encouragement from her family, particuarly Stephen on this day in 2007, when he got her up to see the view from Preikestolen, in Norway

marriage celebration

and finally, two of my favourites for obvious reaons, Debbi being alluringly and stunningly exotic as her clown Psyche probably in 2002